Saturday, March 3, 2012

Alex Collier-The Return of the Demi-Gods

Alex Collier interview with Shiny Demise Radio: The great deception now riffing through the internet about global financial reform. Collie says that Fulford and Wilcock info are sincere---BUT (and we have said this)---there is a whole other level of deception by the elites and the offworlders/Annunaki...

Download Alex Collier - 03-02-2012-Interview/Statement

Note: Alex mentions YouTube videos from Steve Quayle and Tom Horn in this interview. BE WISE: Quayle and Horn come from a level of internal deception as they hold to a literal, fundamentalist view of the Book of Revelation. As Alex points out, this is a collective meme implanted into the human collective conciousness for hundreds of years, and a self-fulfilling prophecy. Likewise, be very wary of channeled information coming from "galactic councils", "archangels" and offworld beings that are promoting a "new age" of liberation for humanity---this is all part of a huge web of deception!

Alex Collier is a contactee of the Andromedan Council, who have given him a great deal of information that can be viewed and assessed here:

cheers randy ;D


video refrenced: (P1)

alex collier's site:

if you can, do support him. i (old wordpress (suspended) also had donation button, but in all years never received a singe $, but that doesnt matter even being unemployed. i share cause i care. care for all sentient beings.

and as i said, march to may will be a wordwide boiling up to the surface time, after 20-may solar eclipse "ring of fire" shit will start to go down, all the way upto march 2013.

and my hunches/gut feel. innerknowing is 99,9% correct. re-validated by others also at later stages.,

and i play my part, and will do my thing.  those that know those that dont wont, those that ask can ask, and may receive.,


signed RA~

~The Eternal One~

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