Monday, March 4, 2013

Newsletter from Kiesha Crowther -- Wisdom Keeper "Little Grandmother":March 3, 2013

Newsletter from Little Grandmother:
March 3, 2013


My beautiful Tribe of Many Colors,
It’s so good to be able to write to you all again and express my deepest apologies for being away for so long. As we step into the New Year, I think we all realize that life is showing us all of the ups and downs that happen during this great time of change. It is true, as the elders have said, in the time of the great energy shift our lives will show us what changes need to be made so that we can live in our truest form. We are no longer able to hang onto those things or people in our lives that do not bring us the highest good. So many of us are having great struggles and changes accruing in our personal, emotional and our work lives. The important thing to remember is that these changes and hardships are for the greater good. We cannot hang onto the old ways of being if we want to live in a different world. We must be able to let go of the things that bring us down or do not feed our higher purpose in life. As our jobs change, our relationships take different forms and we struggle with day-to-day things as do our perspectives. Let us remember that as we go through these great shifts that there is a promise that has been given. If we let go of the things that do not feed our greater good, they will be replaced with what our Great I Am has in store for us, the best of the best! I too have been going through a lot in my personal life, as many of you know I have now moved to Holland where I am trying to settle into a peaceful new rhythm. I also have struggled a lot with my health the last few months and have been recovering, now that I’m feeling much better I am ready to once again begin teaching and doing workshops around the world.

Many people have been writing in asking why nothing happened on December 21st. Remember that the 21 of December was simply the end of one calendar cycle in the Mayan calendar and the beginning of a new one. This date was not the day of the magnetic pole shift. Many people were confused by thinking that these two events were one in the same, but they are not. As I have said many times no one can predict a date in which something will happen here on earth. One reason is because Earth's time is very different from the time on the other side, therefore, no one can be told a specific date for a large event. Secondly, we must remember that we are beings with free will and choice, every time we make a decision it changes the outlook of our tomorrow.

Thus, depending on how loving or how egotistical we are today will make a different tomorrow. Thirdly we cannot go by calendars when it comes to the spiritual realm. Calendars are man-made and do not in any way symbolize time on the other side. The magnetic pole shift and the end and new beginning of the Mayan calendar are two very different things. The poles are shifting, it has begun and it will continue until they find their new locations. It is happening so rapidly now that even the scientists who have been watching this shift are astounded at how rapidly it is taking place. Did you know that the last few years the poles have been moving around 4 miles a year and this year it has jumped over 800 percent! In the last year the poles have moved over 40 miles! The magnetic poles are shifting much faster now than ever before and it continues to speed up. Several airports have had to close to create new landing strips because they are so far off of due north now. Even migrating birds are not only getting lost on their paths, and now several species known to migrate to the Arctic are flying south instead of north. Many birds, fish, whales and other mammals are getting lost on their migrations all over the world. The poles are moving at a very rapid pace! As this happens we literally have an opening where in the energies on our planet sky rocket, giving us the opportunity to change our way of living.

All things are energy and the highest energy always wins. As we are given this great gift of the energies rising we are able to shift ego consciousness into love consciousness! This is the time, and there is no time greater than now! I have been speaking for years now on the subjects of "remember who you are", and "we are the ones we have been waiting for," spreading the message of how we must change the consciousness of our planet. We are in the middle of one of the greatest changes on our planet if not the greatest change ever to occur in history but many of us watched December 21, 2012 come and go thinking that this was the big day and when nothing happened as people became disappointed and laid back. We cannot just dismiss what is really happening in the world. As we look around we see so many things we would like to change, knowing we can change them, that we are the strongest of the strong and we are greater than we once ever thought possible--now we must do something about it. We must stay strong, we must join together, we must keep the inspiration and willingness to change ego into love. We can do it!
We are in the middle of the storm now. It is not time to give up but become stronger. I hope you join me this year as we celebrate this new wonderful year together, the year we join our strengths and begin to change the world for the better. So many exciting things are happening on our planet and I’m so excited to be able to share these things with you. I am moved to share much of what I have been taught with the world, therefore, I will be teaching smaller groups of people, very intense workshops this year. I want to teach the lessons nature has given to me while I was a young girl, such as how to speak with nature and Mother Earth, how to see the world in a new way, threw energy and all the senses. I will be teaching in depth courses on how to see without using the eyes and how to manipulate energy to heal the body and the spirit. I am also planning to give a teachers course, gathering together those people who already know how to work with energy and teach them to go much deeper, how to open the window to the Great I Am.

I will be putting up the new and upcoming events up on the website very soon. I hope that I can see you there. We are family--we are the tribe of many colors, those prophesied to come and to pave the way for a new world on planet earth, we are the ones who will change an ego ruled consciousness into a love ruled world...a new day is dawning and I’m so proud to be here with you to see it

Love, Little granthmother

Newsletter February:

cheers @Rob Koote for bringing this to my attention


Lezing Keisha Growther in Utrecht, 30 maart #Netherlands

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