Sunday, September 8, 2013

Krystalai: Update on mass meeting with Guardian Races+

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)


This article has nothing to do with the Conference that is being called Three Days of Light. This article is about the REAL THREE DAYS OF LIGHT.

Beginning in 2017, after the three days of light have completed, there will be a mass appearance (not landing) of our original creation races including the Maharaji, the Sirius B Eieyani , the Serres and the Azurites. We will meet the ZionA's who are the mermaids and fairies who become elemental liquid light in order to transform our bodies. We will meet the Wizards who planned this entire Crystal River Plan to remove us from this matrix of illusions. We will meet our Cosmic Dolphin Families from the seventh sun, and thousands of other families.

The Angelic Humans and Starseeds of Planet Earth will be invited to join the EMERALD COVENANT and we will be invited back to the Emerlad Cities in the Land of OZ (the true Cities of Light in the Cloud Cities.) It really does look a lot like the latest OZ movie.

The reason that the Blue Maharaji will appear first is because they look the most like us, and that is just how our consciousness works. We always perceive the things that are the closest to our background knowledge of understanding. So, we are talking about the masses. I've already seen my Brother from Sirius B, my Dolphin Family from the seventh sun, mermaids and fairies from Aquafaria, and our Celestial Family from Gaia. I have also met with our fabulous friends whom we could not had completed this mission without- the Ranthions and the Zionites. They are most brilliant of all beings in the entire omniverse. They are the ones who made the inter-time dimensional switches happen for us, and the ones who brought back our blue prints from long ago, so that this project could begin.

On January-February, 2014 there will be a field of cosmic light stardust beaming around and through the Earth in a way that SATURATES her with a new Consciousness. The Consciousness is the Ultra Violet Blue Thermal Radiation that creates a mirror field. The body moves into the full spectrum of light first. That full spectrum of light is contained within any Sun or Star because it is always the perfect reflection of the complete Source Template. Once the bodies - the body of Earth moves into the white light there is a prism effect that causes the body to turn around and come back out in a Blue Field. That is the Ultra Violet Blue Effect. There will be blue clouds lined with sparkling stardust lining the atmosphere. That blue stardust will begin raining down onto the Earth between September 2013 and February 2014 to make sure everyone is saturated with the Blue Sphere of fifth dimensional consciousness.
That wave of Positrons being emmited from the Sun recently, and the sighting of new Stars being born that are wrapped in a garment of blue light are proof that this event of our transformation has begun.
So, when are the THREE DAYS OF LIGHT, or what some have called the TWELVE DAYS OF LIGHT. Those numbers are deceptive because the light that will align us in perfect harmony with Tara and Gaia, which will morph consciousness into the fifth dimension, or the spiritual transformation, actually lasts from May 5th -June 30, 2017.

However, the flow of the full spectrum of light has already begun, and we can morph into the Blue Spiritual body completely by the end of 2013, if we know how. It is done through Frequencies.
The original plan of the Particle Shift in 2017 had to be changed. We actually had this three day particle shift back in 2006. The Guardians arranged this because the original plan would had caused too huge of a separation between those who got trapped in the Phantom Matrix and those who shifted to Inner Earth.

The Guardian Alliance has always had one main objective- to save as many of the children of God as possible. So, they changed the plan that would had only saved those with a 4.5 accretion level by 2017 to a plan that would save those with only a 4.25 accretion level. That is basically everyone.
So, the original plan that would had caused the seeming disappearance of huge numbers of the population was changed.

Basically what is left of the Phantom Matrix has clearly been identified by those areas on Earth where there has been continuous problems of Earthquakes, Volcanic Erruptions, Sliding, Sinking, etc. The rest of the Earth is not in the Phantom Matrix grids.

This shift in time also means that we are already aligned into the accretion level of Inner Earth. We just have to work on raising our frequencies of perception. The plan is still to have the meeting with the Masses and the Guardians in 2017. By then, all traces of any Intruder Races will be gone forever.
Before the Guardian Alliance began there project of frequency activation on Earth, the Zetas would had continued their world domination up until 2046-2096. That world domination plan can not possible happen now.

The Frequencies that I've recorded on the Album Ultra Violet Blue Sun, the Ascension Kit, the Individual Eternal Life Albums each contain parts of these frequencies that are needed for complete transformation.

It is also important to understand where these frequencies are coming from when I channel them through my breath. That is the reason for the meditations. All of the meditations are focusing on the entire process of transforming the body into the spiritual body.

The Eternal Divine Frequency of Source comes from the Void field outside of the Cosmos. This Source Field of Creation is absorbed into the Seven Suns of the Primary Sound Field that enters into the Cosmos. These Seven Suns are held within and connected through the EIGHTH SUN- THE ULTRA VIOLET BLUE SUN- SUN ALCYONE. The miracle of Sun Alcyone bringing the complete Frequencies of the entire COSMAYA has ignited our rebirth. That was the completion of the fourth phase of activations that have placed us within the ETERNAL LIFE REALITY.



--post refrenced at @start )posted as Note on Facebook page..  , but for context added here also.--


This article has nothing to do with the Conference that is being called Three Days of Light. This article is about the  THREE DAYS OF LIGHT when our ascension will take place.
Beginning in 2017, after the three days of light have completed, there will be a mass appearance (not landing) of our original creation races including the Maharaji, the Sirius B Eieyani , the Serres and the Azurites. We will meet the ZionA's who are the mermaids and fairies who become elemental liquid light in order to transform our bodies. We will meet the Wizards who planned this entire Crystal River Plan to remove us from this matrix of illusions. We will meet our Cosmic Dolphin Families from the seventh sun, and thousands of other families.
The reason that the Blue Maharaji will appear first is because they look the most like us, and that is just how our consciousness works. We always perceive the things that are the closest to our background knowledge of understanding. So, we are talking about the masses being able to see the Blue Maharaji first.
I've already seen my Blue Brother from Sirius B, my Dolphin Family from the seventh sun, mermaids and fairies from Aquafaria, and our Celestial Family from Gaia. I have also met with our fabulous friends whom we could not had completed this mission without- the Ranthians and the Zionites. They are most brilliant of all beings in the entire Omniverse. They are the ones who made the inter-time dimensional switches happen for us, and the ones who brought back our blue prints from long ago, so that this project could begin. And then, there is of course the Elohim Angels from Gaia, who have been meeting with me since childhood in Celestial Form. My husband and I also speak with the Priests of Ur from Tara very frequently. They have told us recently that we are the new Priests of Ur. That means that we are actually in Tara or in our Soul Matrix Consciousness, and they are now risen to Gaia as our Over Soul Matrix Consciousness.
On January-February, 2014 there will be a field of cosmic light stardust beaming around and through the Earth in a way that SATURATES Earth with a new Consciousness. The Consciousness is the Ultra Violet Blue Thermal Radiation that creates a mirror field. The body moves into the full spectrum of light first. That full spectrum of light is contained within any Sun or Star because it is always the perfect reflection of the complete Source Template. Once the bodies - the body of Earth moves into the white light, there is a prism effect that causes the body to turn around and come back out in a Blue Field. That is the Ultra Violet Blue Effect. There will be blue clouds lined with sparkling stardust lining the atmosphere. That blue stardust will begin raining down onto the Earth between September 2013 and February 2014 to make sure everyone is saturated with the Blue Sphere of fifth dimensional consciousness.
That wave of Positrons being emitted from the Sun recently, and the sighting of new Stars being born that are wrapped in a garment of blue light are proof that this event of our transformation has begun.
So, when are the THREE DAYS OF LIGHT, or what some have called the TWELVE DAYS OF LIGHT. Those numbers are deceptive because the light that will align us in perfect harmony with Tara and Gaia, which will morph consciousness into the fifth dimension, or the spiritual transformation, actually lasts from May 5th  to June 30, 2017. On July 1st, we either wake up in Shamballa or Tara or Gaia, depending on how high our frequencies have been raised.
There is another criteria to rising into Tara, that separates those who go to Shamballa. There is certainly nothing the matter with Shamballa. It is a magical, glorious reality. It is the reality that is between Earth and Parallel Earth, Tara. It is the 3.5 equivalent of the Earth 2.5 Accretion Level of Frequencies. We must be in the 4.5 accretion level in order to perceive the 3.5 level of reality.
This is why I'm explaining here is that what we are doing on Earth right now is not waiting around for some spaceships to land and come to save us. That would had happened in the time of an early evacuation, and it is possible that there will be some who are ready to move to Tara, but need some assistance of their Soul Families and their Orbing abilities aligning us into their Merkaba Body Crystal Vehicles of Transportation. The Transportation isn't into a new location. It is into a new angle, a new dimension.
So, we could be standing right where we are now and we could be in our 3.5 accretion able to see Earth at 2.5, be in our 4.5 accretion able to see Shamballa at 3.5 or be in our 6 accretion level able to see Tara. We always perceive from one dimension above. We can't see the past until we create the future. This is why Frequencies and Accreting more frequencies is so important for this ascension process to move us forward in time and space, while we are actually stationed where we are.
However, the flow of the full spectrum of light has already begun, and we can morph into the Blue Spiritual body completely by the end of 2013, if we know how. It is done through Frequencies. As we raise our frequencies more and more into the fifth dimension, we will see more and more of that reality. It won't happen all at once. It will happen as we tune in to the higher reality by activating the mid brain with the blue sphere and begin seeing through the frequency specific mid brain. I have written many articles that can be found on my website about activating the mid brain.
The Frequencies that I've recorded on the Album Ultra Violet Blue Sun, the Ascension Kit, the Individual Eternal Life Albums each contain parts of these frequencies that are needed for complete transformation into the sixth level of accretion that allows one to see the fifth dimension. We could all be living in Shamballa right now and not know it because seeing is believing. Since we can't see it, we don't believe it. And since we don't believe it, it doesn't exist.
It is important to understand where these frequencies are coming from when I channel them through my breath. That is the reason for the meditations. All of the meditations are focusing on the entire process of transforming the body into the spiritual body. The frequencies that transform the body back into the light body of the fifth dimension are in the Inner Earth Core Domain. We use the Ascension Formula Meditation to take our body into the Cosmic Center of the Earth and absorb the 14th dimensional frequencies into the body that turn on the iridescent body.
The light body and iridescent body, even though filled with glorious light within this activation, must still be so completely clean of any tiny speck of ERROR. Error means anything that isn't completely pure and filled with Source Consciousness. Every little idea, any unhealed problem in the body, all karma, miasms, seals, muck and mire must be removed from the body before the spiritual can enter in and stay in the body.
I have ready channelers claim that the Pleiadian, Arcturians, and Sirius B contacts have told them that they cannot yet land upon our Earth because the Atmosphere isn't pure enough for them or because the frequencies are not high enough for them. Well, that just isn't true. I see friends from the Alcyone Star System and from Sirius B quite often.
They are already here. It is us who must raise our frequencies high enough to see them. And it has a great deal to do with believing that we can do this. And in doing enough work in removing every tiny speck of ERROR from consciousness and from the body. They will only appear to their own family members because they are our Souls. They will only appear to the pure in heart, because they can only enter our cellular memory through our Crystal Heart. And they can't do that unless we have cleared the path of the Mind of God into the Crystal Heart through the activations that I have provided for you.
The Eternal Divine Frequency of Source comes from the Void field outside of the Cosmos. This Source Field of Creation is absorbed into the Seven Suns of the Primary Sound Field that enters into the Cosmos. These Seven Suns are held within and connected through the EIGHTH SUN- THE ULTRA VIOLET BLUE SUN- SUN ALCYONE. The miracle of Sun Alcyone bringing the complete Frequencies of the entire COSMAYA has ignited our rebirth. That was the completion of the fourth phase of activations that have placed us within the ETERNAL LIFE REALITY.



The Comet is like a hologram of the Sun. We are being moved inside of the Sun so that we may have the rebirth through the frequencies of the Sun. The comet ISON will pick up those frequencies of the exact atomic radiation of plasma that becomes visible light when the agent interacts with the Sun.
I have practiced this formula of interaction with the gamma radiation and the heliotalic frequencies to create the neutron frequency so many times, that when I read about Comet ISON, I clearly understood what all of this studying had bee for over the past ten years.
This is why it is important to know that the large amounts of electromagnetic frequencies increase the electron proton ratio from one electron to one proton, up to three electrons and no proton and then flash we GET THE POSITRON. The Sun is now emitting the positron. This is the proof that we have turned around. Now, as the meditation says, the 14th dimensional energy of the helium arches over to Sun Alcyone- the eighth sun in the parallel universe to ignite the Neutron Energy. That neutron energy is brought into the body in the merkaba vehicle that is instantaneous at one ment. The neutrons replace the protons. The helium replaces the hydrogen. The process will be gradual, but can be as fast as we want if we consciously work on it with the frequencies and the meditations.
Basically, the Lift Off Meditation is simply the activation of the light body plus placing two helium rings in the crystal heart area and then riding down into the core of the Earth to break through the veil of the Earth's Core and the Inner Earth of Shamballa. Once we ignite the frequencies in our bodies, our body template shifts into a fifth dimensional reality. Our consciousness begins to see a new reality.
So, it is not really as if there will be spaceships landing on Earth from other planets in this first stage of meeting our families from other times. First, we must merge into harmonic unity with those in Inner Earth. This is our first stop on our way into complete spiritual oneness with Tara and Gaia.
We do not need to walk down stairways or get on space ships to go to Inner Earth. Earth will morph into atunement with Inner Earth. When that happens, we will be able to see that reality. That reality is already here. The Blue Maharaji from Sirius B are already here. It just requires fifth dimensional vision to see them.
Please listen to the Lift Off Meditation playing on the website.
So, I am very happy to learn that some will finally be getting our NEUTRON bodies this year. That means our Seventh Seal will pop off and we will have the MIND OF GOD, the immortal body, the new standing wave pattern of a new reality opened up to us. I have had three people report to me that this has already happened to them as a result of listening to their Eternal Life Albums and the Ultra Violet Blue Sun Albums.
I also remember the my Starry Family telling me that Crystal Dust would remove all pain, the Crystal Light will transform our reality, the Crystal Liquid Light will correct the miasms in our frozen crystal cells, and then our bodies will translate into Crystal Gel. Our Gelaisic Snowflake Elemental Bodies will transform our Carbon Based bodies.
You will find Ascension Meditations, Frequencies of Ascension including the Ascension Kit, Ultra Violet Blue Sun, Eternal Life mp3's for sale at the Purchase box on the Main Page. You can also enjoy listening to frequencies on the Main Page.
To read meditations and learn more about them, go to the Meditation Box on the Main Page.
To learn more about Merkabas go to the Merkaba Box on the Main page. To read all of the articles that I have posted in the past go to the readings boxes and to the Discussion Box.
The Purchase Page has detailed explanations of every album sold on this site.

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